• Letter Writing.
    Sisters collect the names of those who died in accidents and unfortunate disasters, diseases etc… from newspapers and other sources. We write letters of consolation call them over phone and even visit such families and provide necessary help.
  • ASWAS Short stay home
    Provides short stays for those dejected ones in order to equip them to come back to their lives with optimism and lead a happy life.
  • ASWAS Family visit programme.
    Our group visits the homes of those left ones who live depressed due to the unexpected death of their dear ones. We console them through counseling session and prayer therapy.
  • ASWAS Friends Corner 
    Friend’s corner is formed to help such people to come together, mingle and share their grief and we also provide necessary counseling for the needy. Every second Saturday we provide them such a platform. This gathering held on every second saturdays, irrespective of religious bars is found to be helpful.
  • ASWAS Gathering   
    Once or twice every in an year the ASWAS members come together. We conduct classes, prayers, counseling etc. under this programme.
  • ASWAS Widows Cluster    
    This programme focuses on providing solace and help to the women who live griefstricken and heart broken over their deceased husbands. We help them to face life confidently and shoulder the responsibilities of the family independently. We also provide financial aid in our own possible ways to these women who find difficulty in bringing up their children by ensuring money and clothes from the good hearted people.
  • ASWAS Magazine    
    Every month we also publish and issue a magazine named ASWAS to the families who mourn the unfortunate death of their dear ones. This magazine includes articles, experiences, special features meant to help these people to recoup their lives. This is made possible because of the generous and good heart of its well wishers.
  • ASWAS Retreat  
    A spiritual retreat programme is conducted every year for ASWAS family members. This is helpful to free them of mental distress, severe sorrow, depression etc. and face suffering as a part of Gods will happily.
  • ASWAS Students Corner    
    This aims at helping the children who have become parentless, orphans due to similar mishaps and other causes. Such children often show some disorders like frustration, loneliness, severe sorrow, in security and lack of financial support, these problems in turn affect their studies and future. However, this programme has not started to function in full swing.
  • ASWAS Well Wishers Forum  
    It includes all those good hearted people who help rendering support, prayers and financial aid for the success of Aswas